Board Certified Clinical Psychologist
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Jack is a board-certified clinical psychologist who has been practicing psychotherapy with adults and couples for more than 30 years. He brings the experience of decades to his work as a counselor, educator, and consultant. As an Emeritus Professor in the University System of Georgia, Jack is retired from service as a dean and director of clinical training services for graduate programs in universities in Georgia and North Carolina. In addition to his psychotherapy practice, he is a writer, having published four well-received academic textbooks related to grief and bereavement, crisis intervention, and rural mental health. He currently is a freelance writer and is widely published in a variety of print and on-line magazines, including NPR and PBS affiliates.
Jack may be contacted via email at
Ackerman, S.J., Benjamin, L.S., Beutler, L.E., Gelso, C.J., Goldfried, M.R., Hill, C., Lambert, M.J., Norcross, J.C., Orlinsky, D.E., & Rainer, J.P. (2001). Empirically supported therapy relationships: conclusions and recommendations of the division 29 task force. Psychotherapy: Theory, research, practice, training. Vol. 38 (4), 495-497.
Brown, F.F. and Rainer, J.P. (2006, August). Too much to bear: an introduction to crisis intervention. In Brown, F.F., and Rainer, J.P. (Ed.), Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, Vol. 62. New York: Wiley and Sons.
Brown, F.F., and Rainer, J.P., Eds. (2006, August). Special issue: crisis intervention. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, Vol. 62. New York: Wiley and Sons.
Brown, F.F. and Rainer, J.P. (2002). A systemic approach to crisis intervention counseling. In Vandecreek, Leon (Ed.), Innovations in Clinical Practice, 20, 151 - 166. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
Fain, J.W., and Rainer, J.P. (1986). Dual diagnosis of substance abuse/mental disorders: a caregiver’s dilemma. Film. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia Department of Human Resources.
Fain, J.W., and Rainer, J.P. (1983). Understanding the DSM-III. Film. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia Department of Human Resources.
Fain, J.W., and Rainer, J.P. (1987).Understanding the DSM IIIR. Film. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia Department of Human Resources.
McDaniel, J., Polaha, J., Werth, J., Rainer, J., & Simpson, J. (2012). Rural psychology training models: a compendium of best practices and analyses of gaps and barriers to their widespread adoption. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
Mills, Helen, Kickliter, Harold, and Rainer, J.P. (1983). Welcome Home. Film. Athens, Georgia: Georgia State Public Broadcasting System.
Rainer, J.P. & Gay, J.G. (2013). Bridging the gap between existential/experiential psychotherapies and acceptance and commitment therapy. Psychology Research, 3 (8), 1468-1488.
Rainer, J.P. & Martin, J.C. (2013). Isolated and alone: clinical interventions for loneliness. (DVD). Eau Claire, WI: CMI Education Institute
Rainer, J.P., & Martin, J.C. (2012). Psychotherapy and lonely individuals. In B.S. Smalley, J.C.
Warren, and J.P. Rainer (Eds.) (2012). Rural mental health: Issues, policies, and best practices. New York: Springer.
Rainer, J.P., Martin, N.M., & Fowler, S. (2011). Is healthcare reform possible? A consideration from the ethical lens of justice and distribution. Journal of Ethics and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 81 – 95.
Rainer, J.P., Thompson, C.H., and Lambros, H.L. (2010). Psychological and psychosocial aspects of the solid organ transplant experience - A practice review. Psychotherapy: Theory/Research/Practice/Training, Vol. 47, No. 3, 403-412.
Rainer, J.P. (2024, May 30). How to balance busy-ness.
Rainer, J.P. (2024, March 27). When to worry about worrying.
Rainer, J.P. (2024, March 4). Better ways to talk with someone living with cancer.
Rainer J.P. (2024, June 18 - 28). Public talk about private matters: men and prostate cancer.
Rainer, J.P. (2023, September 12). Reclaiming an unproductive day.
Rainer, J.P. (2023, August 1). Consider resetting your friendships.
Rainer, J.P. (2022, December 18). The rare world of rare diseases.
Rainer, J.P. (2022, May 10). A solo ager’s traditions and options.
Rainer, J.P. (2022, May 10). The gift of living organ donation.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, December 2). How do you sculpt your time?
Rainer, J.P. (2021, November 9). The impact of a parent’s death.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, August 16). Nurturing our return to the community.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, August 9). How to go from languishing to flourishing.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, March 23). A beginner’s guide to therapy.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, March 10). Build a health care team.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, January 13). How to manage chronic pain.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, July 8). How men adapt to being solo agers.
Rainer, J.P. (2021, March 23). A beginner’s guide to therapy.
Rainer, J.P. (2020, September 15). How to adjust to the ongoing stress of the pandemic.
Rainer, J.P. (2020, April 9). Living alone, physical distancing, and loneliness.
Rainer, J.P (2020, June 1). The blindside wipeout of grief.
Rainer, J.P. (2020, January 23). How men grieve.
Rainer, J.P. (2019). Advent meditations. A journey to Christmas. Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross Press, Tryon, North Carolina.
Rainer, J.P. (2019. July 22). Mental health: a crisis that calls out for pragmatic solutions. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, A21.
Rainer, J.P. (2019, April 4). Reviving friendships in real life.
Rainer, J.P. (2019, February/March). Exercising through pain. Pain Free Living, p. 22-25.
Rainer, J.P. (2019, January 31). Civil discourse in an era of polarization.
Rainer, J.P. (2019, November 12). The second year after a loved one’s death.
Rainer, J.P. (2018, December). Finding the right yoga for you. Pain Free Living, p. 12-16.
Rainer, J.P. (2018, June/July). Nothing beats a retreat: choosing a wellness retreat. Pain Free
Living, p. 16-20.
Rainer, J.P. (2018, April/May). Ditch dieting. Pain Free Living. p. 17-21.
Rainer, J.P. (December 2017/January 2018). Don’t delay: advance directives. Pain Free Living. p. 18-23.
Rainer, J.P. (2016, August/September). “Heart healthy: how to navigate the dating scene when living with chronic pain.” Pain free Living, 39-42.
Rainer, J.P. (2016, April/May). Pain killers: Avoiding addiction.” Pain free Living, 20-25.
Rainer, J.P. (2016, March/April). “Is marijuana medical? An update on medical marijuana use for chronic pain.” Pain free Living, 28 – 32.
Rainer, J.P. (2015, May). Understanding and Challenging White Privilege in Higher Education as a Means of Combatting and Neutralizing Racism. Multicultural learning and teaching (special issue).
Rainer, J.P. (2015, November/December). “Taking the bah-humbug out of the holidays.” Pain Free Living, 20-23.
Rainer, J.P. (2015, July/August). “Managing pain before it manages you.” Arthritis Self-Management, 34-37.
Rainer, J.P. (2015, February). “When men get RA.” Arthritis Self-Management, Volume 16, No. 1, 16 – 20.
Rainer, J.P. (2014). Suicidology: Your responsibilities for protecting your clients and the public. Eau Claire, WI: Lorman Education Services.
Rainer, J.P. (2014). Advancing multicultural discourse: My white voice. In F.E. Obiakor, J. Bakken, & B. Algozzine (Eds.) White voices in multicultural psychology, education, and leadership: Inside the Walls of America’s Higher Education. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Rainer, J.P. (2013). Ethical challenges, risk management, and the emerging technology of telehealth for mental health. Calabasas, CA: Behavioral Health CE.
Rainer, J.P. (2013). Life after loss: contemporary grief counseling and therapy. Eau Claire, WI: Premier Press.
Rainer, J.P., & Martin, J.C. (2013). Mental health symptom management. In J.M. Werth (Ed.). Counseling clients near the end of life: Practical perspectives on fundamental issues. New York: Springer.
Rainer, J.P., & Martin, J.C. (2012). Isolated and Alone: Therapeutic Interventions for loneliness. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
Rainer, J.P. (2013, January/February). “Opioids and pain: Won’t you get addicted?” Arthritis Self-Management, Vol. 14, No.1, 24 – 28.
Rainer, J.P. (2013, March/April). Getting through life’s low points. Arthritis Self-Management, Vol. 14, No. 2, 22-24.
Rainer, J.P. (2013). Ethical and legal issues in assessment and intervention. In D.E. Balk, D.K. Meagher, & D. Meaghan. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of Thanatology: The essential body of knowledge for the study of death, dying, and bereavement, 2nd edition. Champaign, IL: Association for Death Education and Counseling.
Rainer, J.P. (2012, Fall/Winter). “Rural mental health: caring and the community.” The National Register, Vol. 38, 8 – 13/
Rainer, J.P. (2011, July/August). “Neutralizing stigma.” Arthritis Self-Management, Vol. 12, No. 4, 33 – 40.
Rainer, J.P. (2010, September/October). “Living reasonably well with pain.” Arthritis Self-
Management, Vol. 11, No. 5, 24 – 31.
Rainer, J.P. (2010, July). Grief, complicated grief, and bereavement counseling. (DVD). Eau
Claire, WI: CMI Education Institute.
Rainer, J.P. (2010, June). Grief, complicated grief, and bereavement counseling. (CD audio recording). Eau Claire, WI: CMI Education Institute.
Rainer, J.P. (2010, June). Life after loss: new models and treatments for typical and complicated grief. (CD audio recording). Eau Claire, WI: CMI Education Institute.
Rainer, J.P., (Ed.) (2010, May). Special issue: Psychotherapy with rural and isolated clients.
Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, Vol. 66, No. 5
Rainer, J.P. (2010, May). The road much less travelled: an introduction to treating rural and isolated clients. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, Vol. 66, No. 5, p. 475 – 479.
Rainer, J.P. (2009, November). “Being sick in a healthy world.” Arthritis Self-Management, Vol. 10, No. 6, p.30-39.
Rainer, J.P. (2009, November). End of life counseling: ethical, legal, and moral interventions. (CD recording). Eau Claire, WI: pesi, inc.
Rainer, J.P. (2009, Spring). “A very great gift: the power of caring.” Living with Loss, Vol. 24, No. 1, p. 37
Rainer, J.P. (2008, November). What is quality of life? Arthritis Self-Management, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 8 -15.
Rainer, J.P. (2008, Spring). “The power of caring.” Buffalo, NY: The American Academy of Bereavement Newsletter.
Rainer, J.P. (2008, June). “The power of caring.” Obelisk (Vol. 29, No, 214). Chicago, IL: Archdiocese of Chicago.
Rainer, J.P. (2008, Spring/Summer). “You can’t make me: disruptive behavior disorders.” Healing, Vol. 13, No. 1, 7 – 9.
Rainer, J.P. (2008). Palliative care and end of life. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
Rainer, J.P. (2008). Accompanying families when a loved one is dying. St. Meinrad, IN: Abbey Press.
Rainer, J.P. (2007). Ethical and legal issues in assessment and intervention. In D.E. Balk, C. Wogrin, G.Thornton, & D. Meaghan. (Eds.). Handbook of Thanatology. Champaign, IL: Association for Death Education and Counseling.
Rainer, J.P. (2007). Ethical and legal issues in mental health services for children and adolescents (CD recording). Buffalo, NY: CMI Education Institute.
Rainer, J.P. (2007). A matter of life and death: the ethics of end of life care (CD recording). Buffalo, NY: CMI Education Institute.
Rainer, J.P., and Brown, F.F., (2007). Crisis counseling and therapy. Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press.
Rainer, J.P. (2007). Palliative care and end of life. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
Rainer, J.P. (2003). Men and grief. In J. McDiarmid (Ed.). A Stony Path: Reproductive Cancers. Toronto, CA: Canadian Cancer Society.
Rainer, J.P. (2002, October). [Review of Teen violence: A Global View.] Contemporary Psychology, 47 (5), 590 - 592.
Rainer, J.P., & McMurry, P.E. (2002). Caregiving and end of life issues. In Session: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58 (11), 1421-1432.
Rainer, J.P. (Ed.) (2002). Special issue: chronic illness. In Session: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58 (11).
Rainer, J.P., & Campbell, L.F. (2001). Premature termination in psychotherapy: identification and intervention. Journal of Psychotherapy in Independent Practice,2 (3), 19 - 43.
Rainer, J.P.(2001, August). Private Parts, Public Matters: The men’s group discusses testicular cancer.
Rainer, J.P. (2001). Reaching at-risk and unmanageable adolescents: strategies for practitioners. In L. Vandecreek. (Ed.), Innovations in Clinical Practice, 19, p. 35 - 49. Sarasota, FL; Scholastic Research Press.
Rainer, J.P. (2000). Compassion fatigue: when caregiving hurts. In L. VandeCreek. (Ed.), Innovations in Clinical Practice,18, p. 441-453. Sarasota, FL: Scholastic Research Press.
Rainer, J.P. (1999). Images: Males reproductive cancers and conversations on sexuality. In McDiarmid, J.M. & D. Holman. (Producers). (1995). Voices in the Night: a cancer companion. Audiotape. Toronto, Canada: Voices in the Night Foundation.
Rainer, J.P. (1999, May 2). Columbine massacre should sound an alarm - and a call to action. Asheville (NC) Citizen Times, p. 8A.
Rainer, J.P. (1999, May 2). Colorado shootings everybody’s crisis. Hendersonville (NC) Times-News, p. 5D.
Rainer, J.P. (1999, May 2). Colorado tragedy a reflection all of us. The Forest City (NC) Daily Courier, p. 12A.
Rainer, J.P. (1999, May 1). Everybody’s crisis: the impact of the CO shootings. Charlotte Observer, p. 27A
Rainer, J.P. (1999, April 28). Everybody’s crisis: the impact of the school shooting in Littleton, CO. The Shelby (NC) Star, p. 9A
Rainer, J.P. (1999, April 28). Everybody’s crisis: Littleton. Tryon (NC) Daily Bulletin, pp. 22-23.
Rainer, J.P. (1999, April 22). Some see death as the only outlet. The Shelby (NC) Star, p. 4A.
Rainer, J.P. (1999). Final rights: caring for people in the last phases of life. In L. VandeCreek. (Ed.), Innovations in clinical practice, 17, pp. 433-447. Sarasota, FL: Scholastic Research Press.
Rainer, J.P. (1998). Life and loss: living and dying in the family system. In L. Vandecreek. (Ed), Innovations in Clinical Practice, 16, pp. 179-190. Sarasota, FL: Scholastic Research Press.
Rainer, J.P. (1997). [Review of Treating the unmanageable adolescent: A guide to oppositional defiant and conduct disorders.] Psychotherapy, 34 (2), 221 - 222.
Rainer, J.P. (Ed.) (1996). Psychotherapy Outcomes (special issue). Psychotherapy, 33 (2).
Rainer, J.P. (1996). The pragmatic relevance and methodological concerns of psychotherapy outcome research related to cost effectiveness and cost-offset in the emerging health care environment. Psychotherapy, 33 (2), 216 - 224.
Rainer, J.P. (1994). The effects of intimate exposure to alcohol abuse on the acquisition of knowledge about drinking. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 13 (2), 45 - 63.
Rainer, J.P. (1991, April). Directing the process of change. EAPA News, p. 2.
Rainer, J.P. (1991, March 4). Expanding narrow view of masculinity. Atlanta Business Chronicle, p. 33A.
Rainer, J.P. (1990). The process of peer supervision. Film. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia Department of Human Resources.
Rainer, J.P. (1990). Differential diagnosis: finding the locus. Film. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia Department of Human Resources.
Rainer, J.P. (1990). Caring enough to help. In Pearson, Carole (Ed.), Drugless Y’all. (Contract #GOO8730332), pp. 33-48. Washington, D.C.: US Department of Education.
Rainer, J.P., and Faulk, K.F. (1988, September). The other side: are men ready to relinquish the reins of power? Communiqué, p. 20 - 24.
Rainer, J.P. (1988, August). Mastering the art of listening. Healthcare Financial Management, p. 88.
Rainer, J.P. (1988, February). Birth order can influence personality and expectation. Youth View, p. 30.
Rainer, J.P. (1988, March). Psychologists assist teens in choosing career paths. Youth View, p. 14.
Rainer, J.P., and Norris, J.N. (1980). International arts festival for special populations. Atlanta, Georgia: Georgia Council for the Arts and Humanities. (1979). Arts festival for special populations. Grants. Atlanta Georgia: Georgia Council for the Arts and Humanities.
Rainer, J.P., and Norris, J.N. (1980). Presentation of Rollo May: the courage to create. Grant. Atlanta, Georgia: Fulton County Arts Council.
Rainer, J.P. and Norris, J.N. (1980). The fine line: creativity, the arts, and mental health. Multi-media. Washington, D.C.: National Endowment for the Arts, Special Constituencies Division.t
Smalley, K.B., Warren, J., & Rainer, J.P. (Eds.) (2012). Rural mental health: Issues, policies, and best practices. New York: Springer.